Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sample Letter Of Church Donation Request

The Steel Trap "24 hours without us." March 1 Cagliari

Facts Rosarno, the eviction of former Edem Giorgino, the increasingly frequent raids of illegal hunting in houses rented by immigrants, are unequivocal signs of fast of racism and intolerance, also in Sardinia. Racism fueled by the policies of the Berlusconi government and the measures of local governments. Intolerance gaining ground thanks to the indifference and silence of many so-called "progressives" come inside and provincial and municipal councils.
should react. And to respond effectively should make a quantum leap. Demonstrations and strikes (as this most important strike of migrant March 1) should no longer be isolated moments of mobilization, but should lead to the construction of networks of resistance and solidarity in standing position to deal with the emergency racism.
Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bconstructing a Table Standing against racism in the province of Cagliari, allowing coordination of the action groups, political parties, associations, unions, academics, lawyers, individual activists in the territory continued to build social and cultural resistance to the racist policies and a concrete network solidarity - even for legal advice - with the workers and migrant workers, doubly victims of the mechanisms of capitalist globalization.
To create this new path plan to meet Wednesday, March 3 (18.00, Rdb headquarters in Via Maddalena) and dividing by passwords shared by those who built and joined the demonstration against racism Regional October 17 2009:
. No to racism. Generalized regularization for all. Repeal of the security package. Welcome and rights for all. No rejections and the bilateral agreements that provide them. Right to asylum for refugees. Permanent closure of the Identification and Expulsion Centres (CIE). No conflict between the Italians and foreigners in access rights. Right to employment, health, housing and education for all andall. Maintenance of a residence permit even for those who lost their jobs. Against all forms of discrimination against gay, lesbian, transgender.

The organizing committee of the board standing against racism and homophobia of the Province Cagliari

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