A new life is born ": www.ilminuto.info IlMinuto news reporting agency - the first and only fully web announcement in Sardinian and Italian - was born with the ambition to tell the other Sardinia one of the thousands of associations and social initiatives, and the island of Sardinia in the world, non-professional sport and culture, politics, lived as a civil commitment. let us jump ;-) Politics: Zuncheddu, "Near polygons and industrial areas do not die of old age as"
(IlMinuto) - Cagliari, June 24 - "The Sardinian population supposed to be particularly prone to getting sick. So much so that near the industrial centers of the polygons, and most do not die of old age. " E 'bitter remarks made by Councillor regional (medical) - the Rossomori, Claudia Zuncheddu, during the press presentation of some queries on the "Joint monitoring of the firing range of Quirra" and the construction of the airport inside the same area. At the conference, which took place in the press room of the Council, also attended the committee Mariella Cao basi.Le We throw the activities taking place at the inter-Polygon - you can read in the question presented June 19 - "are under strong protests by civil society, who denounced the devastating effects on public health, linked the abnormal incidence of cancer and genetic damage to the system hemolymphatic (leukemias, lymphomas, etc..) found in villages near the polygon, in particular in fraction Quirra. "The link between the presence of military bases and the increased incidence of these evils is was even confirmed by a recent decree. "After eight years of struggle - Mariella Cao said - we were able to obtain admission of liability by the Ministry of Defence. The Presidential Decree 37 of 2009, it allocated the compensation for the civilian populations involved. "